Creating a Positive Relationship with Our Inner Self

Creating a positive relationship with our inner self is a lifelong adventure. Learning how to meditate has been the key to my own personal success and expansion. I recently wrote this piece on my personal inner process so I share it in the hope that it can inspire others to keep up the investigation into what it means to be human, why we make the decisions we make, how to become a more loving and connected person…

In the last year, I have deepened my practice, spending a couple of hours in meditation most mornings, and digging into who I am, what makes me tick, observing all the subtle way I am mis-identifying myself with thoughts, watching the contracting energy of stress and how it works on my body and thoughts. Seeing more clearly the subtle ways I check out of presence and invest my precious life-force in the vast collective unconscious.

Then there is the experience of feeling blooms of pure bliss when I access deeper levels of mind, allowing myself to linger in a place...

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High Frequency Living

I have been having conversations with many friends lately. We have been sharing our reflections of these current times, the pain of seeing the division between many of us human beings getting wider, the challenges associated with the ongoing pandemic, the continued relevance of the Black Lives Matter movement and our hopes for the future.

I recognize that there is a conflict between people, many of whom actually share the same values and care for the world and each other. The polarization of ideas and beliefs strengthens our idea of separation, this is turn brings isolation, anger, fear, etc.

I know in my heart that the solution lies in all of us learning to transmute/transcend our own pain and suffering and supporting those around us to do the same. It lies in practices that can lift our frequency and establish a heart connection, so that the confusion and unconsciousness that drive the momentum of our lives can be paused long enough for us to remember who we are, and what really...

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Finding Relief from Pain and Fear

Pain and fear can be great motivators. Think about the last time you had physical pain, enough that you had to stop your regular routine and tend to it. When we are in the grips of real physical pain the ONLY course of action we can take, is to make it stop by whatever means possible. To find the cause and treat it. Physical pain is by its nature all-consuming and requires a focused approach.

Emotional pain is a little more tricky. It is powerful enough to color our experience, including how we perceive ourselves and others, and how we are responding to people and situations. Untended emotional pain festers and creates emotional infection, the kind that eats at us from the inside out.

Picture yourself having a tiff with a loved one in the morning. It is left unresolved. You marinade in it all day, perhaps for a month. The situation gets a bigger and bigger charge. To distract yourself from your own self-inflicted misery you go out drinking with friends, or you shut down emotionally,...

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